Friday, February 18, 2011

Summary Of My Interesting Week

this week was pretty good

i feel that the weather really had an affect on the way this week went
it was really nice outside and even the buses came on time =P

starting from monday(valentines day) to now, i was/am happy
on monday, i got to talk to "G" again and that made my day
i learned something new about him that was really interesting and kind of unexpected, but yea... haha

(it was weird how "G" was tired on monday and how he somehow passed it on to me the next day), although i was tired on tuesday, blasting praise/worship songs really helped me to wake up
i was actually able to stop procrastinating and read my bible and do my QTs this week(yay me = ), glory to God of course <3)

on wednesday, the guidance counselors went to classes and started talking about bullying, how it affects people and what we can do to prevent it
cammy's guidance counselor was in my class
i love his eyes, they're like a caramel color,sorry, that was random...=P
but anyways, he showed a video about bullying that included a couple of letters from kids before they committed suicide because they were bullied
as he read them, chills ran through my body
i felt so bad for them
by the way, may they rest in peace
the guidance counselor's also gave out wrist bands that had words on them
i took the one that said faith on it = )

yesterday, my english class had a debate on a book (the stranger)where we had to say whether the character in the book should be guilty of cold blooded murder or innocent
i was on the prosecuting side and i had to go up against one of the guys(the defendant)  in my class
somehow i won ***surprised***
i didn't even read the book or know what i was talking about, but that's why it helps to have good team mates = )
i finally finished my study guides for english last night (whoo hoo!)

today, we did the debate thing again and two other people went up against each other and somehow, once again, the prosecuting side (my side) won
the score was 3 to 0
haha, too bad for them =p
but anyways, i went to see my guidance counselor and i asked her if i could take a night class to make up my government credit from last term and she said yes
so i'll have a night class now, but it's better than having to go to summer school =/
i'm going to church later
i can't wait to see what tonight has in store for me
hopefully more blessings...
                                                                                                                        ~Jalysa <3~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Past Week

well, this past week was interesting, depressing and made me happy
(not necessarily in that order though)
i felt like this past week has brought me closer to a certain person that i really care about ("G"), but at the same time made me alittle depressed
i had the opportunity of texting "G" on tuesday, which made me happy, but it also brought me down
for those who know who "G" is, and know my situation know the reason why
although our conversation was okay, it wasn't exactly what i wanted it to be like
"G" and i had another text conversation on thursday, but it wasn't really anything special, so that also brought me down again
i feel like it is truly time for me to hand this situation over to God, but this is a challenge for me
although i try to give God all of the control, i feel like my controlling nature is getting in the way of that

now, about today...
i saw "G" today and it made me happy and alittle nervous
whenever i see him,i get surprised (like that pushed back type of feeling) and i smile inside
before, it used to be way worse, but only the people that were around me at that time saw what that was like (by the wasn't pretty ***no bueno***)
when he left today, i tried not to think about it, so i went to practice the drums (yay to practice! = ) )

P.S. God please help me = (

i can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me
so...until next time